
This is my blog, about life.
I keep it short:

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Those days....

Everyone knows these kind of days, you're head is full with everything, you have to work, homework, your room is a mess, but you don't know where to start.
Yup that's pretty much it.
I want to go to college and live on my own, I know I can cook.
Everyone is telling me: ''College isn't that much fun.'' Well you know what? I don't care, I just want to go, and I want to act, I love acting, I want to be someone when I'm a grown up, so I can tell my kids later that I was someone, I had a talent, but now I don't know, I love writing, acting, singing, dancing, but I don't know what my real talent is.
I hope I discover it fast, just like you, if you don't know what your talent is, I hope you'll find it fast, and listening to people and help people is also a talent, keep that in mind!!!


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